Sabtu, 26 Juni 2021

kebuli rice food for family gathering


4 cups of rice
500 gr mutton
1 onion, coarsely chopped
12 red onions, coarsely chopped
7 cloves of garlic, coarsely chopped
5 btr cardamom
1 stick of cinnamon
3 pieces of cake
3 cloves
5 tbsp liquid milk/coconut milk
2 tbsp tomato sauce
1 tbsp curry powder
to taste salt, sugar, water

Fine seasoning:

6 pcs curly red chili
1/2 tsp dill
1/2 btr nutmeg
1 tsp pepper
1 tsp coriander

How to cook

1. Wash rice, soak for 5 minutes, drain

2. Clean the meat, cut into 2

3. Heat a frying pan, stir-fry the onions, ground spices and cinnamon, cloves, deaf and cardamom until fragrant

4. Enter the meat, stir-fry until it changes color, add 1 tablespoon of curry powder

5. Add water, tomato sauce, liquid milk / coconut milk, add salt and sugar to taste, cook until the meat is tender. The amount of water should be quite a lot because later the rest of the broth will be used to cook rice

6. Remove the tender meat from the broth. Drain the meat then fry the meat

7. Use the remaining meat stock to cook the rice. Taste the broth first, when the taste is right, then add the washed rice into the broth (adjust the amount of broth according to the amount of cooked rice. If it's too much, take the broth, if it's not enough water, add water) until the stock is completely absorbed into the rice.

8. Steam the aron rice until cooked matang

9. Serve the kebuli rice with fried meat, sprinkle with a lot of fried shallots. Serve

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